
Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for hosting the March Slice of Life Challenge.

It's 8:15. The girls are tucked into bed and sound asleep. The dog has scrunched herself under our bed and is softly snoring, maybe dreaming of big back yards where she can run freely. The house (apartment) has settled down and I relish this time of peace and quiet. While I'd love to dive into a book and read for hours, I am pretty sure I will soon be joining everyone else in peaceful slumber before the clock reads 9:00. Good-night. 


  1. I do so love the peace and quiet at the very end of the day before the light gets turned out.

  2. Bliss. Take it when it comes,

  3. I'm glad you are feeling settled. Early to bed? Unfamiliar here. I should try it.

  4. I Always prefer to read The Quality and glad I found this thing in you post. Thanks

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